Artificial Intelligence In Procurement Services For Developing Economies

  • November 21, 2021 - November 27, 2021
  • Dubai, UAE
  • +44 2032396642

Public procurement (PC) is the acquisition of goods, services, and works by a public “authority” or “body”. Transactions of this nature are for public undertakings and therefore, they are governed by public procurement rules and regulations. PC constitutes one of the largest expenditures of government in developing countries and contributes a significant contribution towards economic development. Therefore the importance of public procurement cannot be denied. Needless to say, any improvements in the public procurement system can have a direct and beneficial effect on the overall economic situation of a country.

Developing Economies can transform the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) into a reality for their socio-economic interactions. Whilst acknowledging AI adoption and implementation challenges, there is potential for countries to leapfrog others by leveraging the experience of early adopters in Artificial intelligence technologies. Governments, particularly in the African continent, should embrace Artificial intelligence and develop policies for implementation accordingly.


Artificial intelligence can drive both economic and social progress thereby helping countries achieves national objectives, e.g., inclusive growth and development.

WHO IS THE COURSE FOR: Supply Chain Managers; Procurement Managers; Supplies Managers; Contract Managers; Public Sector Tender Board Committee Members; Senior Officials from a wide array of departments involved in public procurement and management

At the end of the course participants will be able to:

  • Interpret the public procurement act and regulations;
  • Recognize the various methods and procedures of domestic and international tendering system;
  • Interpret a public procurement contract and be able to assist in its execution;
  • Select the applicable method for resolution of disputes in public procurement contracts.
  • Identify areas where Artificial intelligence should be developed for the common good and benefit of socio-economic activities within public sector;
  • Explore areas where Artificial intelligence can conflict with socio-cultural perceptions in respect of data rights or privacy of individuals, families or communities;
  • Adopt open data initiatives as a way of using technology to support distributed innovation, and to make Artificial intelligence development more participatory and transparent.
  • Develop frameworks that enable government and industry to work together in technology projects, including public-private partnerships.
  • Participate in creating national and regional “Artificial intelligence labs” for purposes of advancing the development and adoption of IR 4.0 related technologies

Delegates shall also   have an opportunity to visit the EXPO 2020 and further network with other key players in the industry

2021-11-21 2021-11-27 Asia/Dubai Artificial Intelligence In Procurement Services For Developing Economies Dubai, UAE
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